Falls Prevention

Falls are one of the leading causes of hospital admission amongst those aged 65 years and over and the rate of falls within Australia has been steadily increasing each year. The most common type of fall is due to a slip or trip on the same level which accounts for approximately 40% of all falls. Whilst...

Piriformis Syndrome

Piriformis Syndrome AKA Deep Gluteal Pain Syndrome: A real pain in the bum!

The piriformis is a muscle in the deep part of the back of the buttock. It helps stabilise the hip joint, and provides some motor control to rotate and abduct the hip. It is one muscle that makes up a...

Structured vs Incidental Exercise

 We all know exercise is important in our daily lives, but for some people the time to do structured programs or classes is difficult.  This is where incidental exercise can play a healthy role.  Incidental exercise is the physical activity around normal daily activities. By incorporating incidental...
